At Council meetings from August onwards there was a lot of discussion on what fundraising events the church could run to help to break even with our budget.
Three things were decided on:
- We would produce a La Côte Church Cookery book with recipes donated from members of our congregation. This project proved very popular. A beautiful book was produced which sold very well.
- A Bring and Buy sale leading up to Christmas was the second very popular event. During December items for sale were donated by the congregation and friends. A stand was set up after the main services at Gingins, Divonne and Crassier. There was great interest in this stand from the youngest to oldest members of the congregation.
- A sponsored Lake Plunge was arranged for Saturday 9th December at the Plage de Promenthoux in Prangins. Five very brave swimmers volunteered for this event. They took to the water and had pledged to stay in for 9 minutes! They seemed to enjoy themselves very much in spite of the very cold water. All achieved their target of 9 minutes before getting out and being welcomed with various beverages to warm them up.
Thanks very much to Council for organizing these very successful fundraising
events. Also huge thanks to everyone involved in the three events and to the congregation for making them successful.