Dear families with smaller children (6 and under),

I’m delighted to announce that Emma Ryvves is going to help us prepare some special Advent moments for the youngest members of our church family, (6 and under).  

Emma is Mum of a two-year old and a full time teacher for 3 year olds so has lots of experience in helping this age group to learn in fun ways.

We would love to see you at the following celebrations:  

Sunday 1 December 16.00 in Gingins – Christingle Service

To embark on Advent we will explore the themes of light in this service. There will be an activity corner with Emma for our little ones. The children will also receive a Christingle candle to hold and light with their parents, together with carol singing and storytelling.  

Sunday 8 December 10.15 onwards in DivonneDressing up for an advent – nativity play and other activities.   

Emma will be ready to welcome you with your small children for some activities and dressing up before the 11.00 Nativity play service.

You are welcome to bring the children early for these activities and then go with them into the Nativity play service.

Christmas Eve Crib Service 15.00 in Gingins

We will explore the Christmas story with characters from the Crib, songs and movement.. a wonderful moment to recall the joy of Christ’s birth at the heart of all our celebrations.  Come along with friends and family!

Do be in touch with any queries,

Looking forward to seeing you and your little ones,

Carolyn Cooke

We would love to hear from you – if you have any thoughts about our work with children, how we can best support you in nurturing faith for all the family. Also – if you enjoy being with children and would like to support our wonderful team of Sunday club leaders – please let me know.

Carolyn Cooke