Ever since the start of the pandemic, a group of us has been meeting on Mondays to Saturdays for morning prayer on zoom. We are an ecumenical group from churches in Switzerland and France and have welcomed people from as far away as South Africa and the USA. You are welcome to join us either to dip in and out or attend regularly. Here you see some of us with our Morning Prayer mugs!

07.30-8.00 Monday to Friday
08.30-9.00 on Saturdays

We are using a new link for Morning Prayer. Please use this one from now on: ID: 843 1525 8948 Passcode: 829662


Bible study alternates with the Prayer group. This is an opportunity to explore the Bible and share our experiences on how it applies to our lives. It is an informal meeting, open to all and ecumenical. Everyone is welcome to join us online each 1st and 3rd Friday of the month – 9:30-11:00



Prayer Group meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday morning at the Traceys’ home in Coinsins, from 09.15 to 10.30. Our prayers are for the world, our church family, those known to us and those who have asked for prayer in confidence. Believing that prayer is at the heart of our church community, we are constantly giving thanks for answered prayer. Silence is important too. Around ten people regularly attend. Between us there is the strictest confidence in the names we mention and we welcome your requests for prayer.
Please contact Peta if you need information or have any prayer requests that will be treated confidentially within the group.
Everyone is welcome to join us online.
Meeting ID: 971 117 768
Passcode: 38709

Welcome to WOW - Window on Wednesday

At WOW – we welcome new and old faces, to share our lives and faith.
Our group meets fortnightly, on a Wednesday morning. All are welcome to join us as we share our news, prayer and discussion based around a Christian / Biblical resource – always with coffee, tea and delights to eat!
If you would like to join us, please contact Alice Debell and/or Diantha Terry.


We typically number about 12 and share evening dinner together while discussing contemporary issues from a faith perspective. Recent themes have included “Men and Feminism”, “Why we go to Church”, “What does it mean to live a life of Abundance?”. We meet in the Prieuré, a community room adjacent to the Temple in Nyon. With the space to ourselves and home cooking on offer, the Blokes’ Dinners are as popular as ever. All (men) are welcome. Contact David Cooke for details.
This group meets on the third Thursday of every month, 19:30 – 22:00


The work of the Social Action Group supports our three priorities of worship, community, and outreach.

We do this by aiding local community initiatives that are in line with the spirit of our beliefs. We reach out by providing services that are lacking, that support refugees and members of the local community who are in need.

These are done through organizations in the La Côte region and in our neighboring French communities where some members of our congregation also volunteer.