Welcome to
La Côte Anglican Church
Chaplain Reverend Canon Carolyn Cooke
Admin Assistant to the Chaplain Anne de Tréverret
Sunday 16 February
Third Sunday before Lent
16.00 Gingins – Holy Communion (no Sunday Club)
Weekly bulletin 13 February 2025
An extra online service this week on Wed. 19 Feb
As we approach the third anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine, our Diocese in Europe opens an invitation to a prayer service for peace in Ukraine. This will be held online via Zoom on Wednesday 19th February at 18.00 CET/17.00 GMT (19.00 Ukrainian time):

Important – Renewal of the Electoral Roll happening now!
Every six years, all churches and chaplaincies in the Church of England have to renew their Electoral Rolls. This means throwing the old one away and starting again!
2025 is one of those years, so even if you are on the Electoral Roll at the moment, you need to fill in a new form if you want to be on the Roll after 8 March 2025.
To find out about the electoral roll and its purpose in our church life – CLICK HERE
If you would like to be on the Electoral Roll, click HERE.
Our Lenten Journey
Ash Wednesday
5 March at 19.00 in Gingins

For more information, click here
Please register with anne.detreverret@lacotechurch.ch
This year marks the 1700th anniversary of the Nicene Creed. Much of the global church is using this anniversary as an opportunity to breathe new life into the words of a creed which unites us. As Nicaea is in Iznik, in modern-day Turkey and therefore in our diocese in Europe, we have a unique and special reason to celebrate.
The aim of the course is to help us see afresh the faith which holds us together. Everyone is welcome, from complete beginners wondering about the Christian faith, to those with years of Christian practice.
There are two options for joining a study group locally:
A Lenten Lunch and Study group on Fridays in Divonne during Lent
An on-line Lenten study group on Tuesday evenings during Lent
See below for further details.

Please register with anne.detreverret@lacotechurch.ch

For more information and register, please contact betty.talbot@lacotechurch.ch
La Côte Anglican Church is a member of the Federation of Anglican Churches in the Canton de Vaud (FACCV).
A request for recognition by the Cantonal Authorities is pending.
See https://faccv.ch/index.html
For a short description of our church, click HERE
For the 2023 AGM Activities Report, click HERE
A year in the life of La Côte Church in pictures, click HERE